LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 10: Making Progress

Since I last checked in I have:
  • not had ANY soda!
  • Started and completed two days on Couch to 5K (and then some!)
  • Have severely cut down on sugars and *bad* carbs
It seems small but these changes have been major for me. I already feel like I have a ton more energy!

These fruit skewers have been my new bff - any time I want a snack or something sweet I have been turning to them. Easy, delish and healthy! Keeping lemons around really helps with my water intake. Cutting down on caffeine is usually really hard for me but water with lemon has been my saving grace. It has really helped me stay away from soda AND get more H2O in!

Having a running stroller and the sun shield has really helped with getting out and exercising. Trey has been an absolute trooper adjusting to my new workout schedule.

But, I will say though the C25K app on my iPhone has been the best thing of all! First off, it's only $3 and you can use it without headphones (I like to keep my focus on my surroundings and Trey now that I have a baby with me). The program talks you through everything - it says run, walk, cool-down, half way through, you can journal about your run, you can publish to twitter or facebook. It's awesome! I used some of my cool down time today to do long lunges through the grass and I am sure that I will be paying for it tomorrow!!

1 comment:

  1. This is so awesome and those fruit skewers look delish. Keep up the good work, momma:)
