LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 1: Good Bye Dear Friend.....

It's a sad, sad day in the Beach Bum household.

Today is the day I'm breaking up with Diet Coke & Coke Zero. My long time loves.

Given the choice of wine or coke zero on a Friday night the choice was simple. Coke Zero. Just ask J. She knows all about my obsession. And I'm pretty sure she is sad about losing her Coke Zero partner in crime.

But it's not just Friday and Saturday nights that I find myself dying for a large tervis of ice and my favorite 0 calorie caffeinated beverage. It's every weekday at 3pm, every dinner, all the time basically. And it has to stop.

I know if I am going to get healthy, show Trey good influences and kick some of this weight to the curb it's time. So long my love.
I thought this was hilarious! Because, yes, that's how I felt some days!

It's time for this mama to make the switch to these types of drinks. Permanently.


  1. It's so hard to quit soda. I had a tough time with it. BUT once you do, you will feel WONDERFUL!!

    I drink either water or ice tea when I go out somewhere (or coffee ;) ) but even that I need to cut out.

    You can do it!!!

  2. This is a great idea! I stopped drinking soda last fall and went to pretty much water. I will drink it every so often now, but I don't have it nearly as often as I did! Good luck!

  3. tears...I will miss my P-I-C. from now on its BYOCZ and don't you go near my garage fridge:)
